
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hello Again....

Wow... has it been this long? Jeez... I actually don’t even know where to begin. Life is pretty much the same and has not changed for the most part... did a bit of upgrading in some areas. Still working on trying to get a better job but I'm not going to complain too much... *awkward pause*... So ummm yea... the only.. Well not the only.. But the main reason I’m writing right now is because I'm a loser and I don’t have any friends to talk to so I’m using this as my diary. LOL is that lame or what?? sheesh!! No, really I’m having a hard time trying to process recent events in my life. I’m not going to go into specific detail but... Damn I feel bad. I never thought that someone I loved so much could betray me and hurt me the way they did. I am still at lost for words.. Man I wish I could tell you.... *sigh* I really don’t know what direction to move in. I feel lost and alone but then I been feeling that way for a while now. Am I losing by moving on or losing by staying? How many second chances should you give someone that hurts you? Does love really conquer all? or does common sense step in an put a stop to the bullshit? Every time I try to move on from the negative, flashbacks haunt me. I don’t know... I really don’t know.... For some reason I can't even put into words everything I need to say beacuse there really are no words, just feelings that you would have to feel to understand.