
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday!

      i'm old. 27. i'm thankful to see another year but i'm scared of getting old for some reason. My birthday has passed almost a month ago, but it was so fun i wanted to blog it.

      Master spent it with me. i picked him up and W/we were off. Checked into an Aloft hotel. It was nice, modern looking. W/we were on the first floor right next to the bar. Master looked pleased so i was good. i think we fucked twice within the first 5 minutes we were there :) Well, i was exaggerating, but we attempted to be celibate for the few weeks leading up to my birthday. ( FAIL) So W/we pretty much jumped each others bones. He yanked my dress up, touched me they way i loved to be touched, pinched and sucked my nipples, wrapped his hands around my neck and fucked me hard. Then W/we carried it to the shower, Which was crazy nice. Hot and steamy. So many positions. i enjoyed sucking His dick on my knees with the water cascading off of the both of us. W/we were in the so long W/we couldn't breathe but it was crazy and felt so fuckin good. The first night W/we just chilled. W/we went to Fridays and ordered our favorite, Jack Daniels Chicken, ate at the hotel, and had a few drinks at the bar in our hotel. Hands down.. The bartender, who was super cool, made U/us the best drinks we have came across in a long time. He put something special in it cuz W/we were twisted and didn't have that many drinks, lol. Oh yea let me not forgot the part where Master and i were play fighting lol. W/we had to be going at it for about and hour and a half or so. He calls it Slapfest. i got mine in and He did to. W/we used to spar all the time so this was a good refresher. He kept getting me in my weak spots and i got him in his. But W/we pretty much called it a night.. i really didn't want to go out or anything because i was so tired from work. i just wanted to spend as much time as i could with my Master. W/we had some more intimate moments and crashed.

       The next day W/we went to.. The Range! W/we have been waiting for the longest to go. i found a pretty nice one. i had my own piece. W/we got our eyes, ears, and targets. Master got a .38. Wwe had fun shooting. i gave Master a few pointers and W/we took turns on the lane. He's a good shot... If u talking head shots lol. i was good with my body shots. Then W/we switched guns.. i don't like .38s; Too much effort just to pull the trigger. Had fun though. W/we left and then went laser tagging which was fun. We played a couple games with some other random kids. W/we got hot and sweaty tagging each other. For some reason... i don't know how but them kids always got the higher rankings : / W/we need to have a plan of action for next time. But it was really fun. W/we ate at Panera Bread and had this awesome green tea/ lemonade mix. Hit up Walmart to see if W/we could find some cool things i could use to take a new picture for my twitter profile. That was a fail so we left. Went back to the hotel.. It was raining. W/we smoked.. Felt so good. Went back to the room and hooked up the Xbox to play Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas. Master likes LOVES that game sooo much.. His excitement when the "loading" screen game on was so entertaining!! It was like he was 8 and got the game for Christmas. Lol>> He did everything except run around screaming.. (wait.. did He?!)  i was just happy he was happy. He played and I attempted to watch but my body was burning with desire to have him touch me. i felt like every nerve in my body was on fire.. He touched me, rubbed his hands up and down my body and massaged my soul. Felt like a million hands were all over me. He makes me feel sooooo good.. W/we played around some more, he went back to the game.. Showed me some cool stuff on it.. Played good music on it lol we was jammin to some Andre3000. But with all that feel good shit.. The best thing i got was collared. Yep. Me! i had to say my devoted affirmation which I had some trouble recalling, partially cuz i was under the influence but He helped my through it. He requested that i show him all my submissive positions and he was very impressed :) Called me a transformer because i knew many that he did not. He is so sweet. Did i mention he gave me a gift each night we were at the hotel? The first night he gave me a bluetooth. Second night my collar. W/we fucked until our bodies screamed "Stop!" It felt really good going to sleep by his side. His body is so warm and inviting. i slept like a baby.

         The third and final day, i was kinda sad the vacation was nearing an end but we checked into a Sheraton hotel that holds alot of memories for U/us. Master was surprised but i thought he was faking it. Our room was smaller but overall it was still nice.. not as nice asAloft bur still. Master bought me a charger for my cell phone which i really needed. We didn't really do anything special.. just lounged around. i don't really remember why but i caught a attitude for something. i don't know why i did but im certain that it was something stupid.  i think 75% of the reason is because i wasted the rest of my cash on this nasty ass carry out food. It really pissed me off.. The food was so fuckin greasy, my rice box had a hole in the bottom that i didn't see until i got to the bottom of the box. i wanted to just throw the fuck up. Master got some never ending chicken nuggets. He ate some that night and the next day, more appeared in the container....... Yea.. that's what I said. Master got on my case but it was my fault. He then gave me my third and final gift which was a trophy that read my name (which i wont tell you lol ) and " Superwoman of the year- 2010" i was really at loss for words. Ever had a moment where time just seemed to stop? Yea i was caught in the Matrix. All i could do was cry. He just continues to show me so much love and how much he cares for me. He always pays attention to the little things that other people overlook. I hugged him for maybe ten minutes. He also gave me our Punisher shirt that i now use to sleep in. We smoked. i went in the shower. Master came in and closed the door. He started saying all these random things that he said wasn't supposed to be scary but i don't know because he was scaring he shit out of me!! lol!! to me i felt like he was tyring to conjure up Bloody Mary or The Bogeyman or some shit. His voice was all deep and scary! hahahahahaa!! i ran out the shower soooo fast it wasn't funny.. i don't even think i turned the water off. W/we were crackin up for at least an hour off that. W/we cuddled, watched TV and went to sleep. The next morning and got ready to leave. Master but my collar on and W/we did a a little "scene action". More of the good shit.. you already know....

          Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. i'm Thankful that i was able to spend much needed time with Him....

          More to come.... :D


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