
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Big Bang Theory


        Ever had a moment when you experienced sheer pleasure enveloping and consuming you till u can't stand it?? I have.. It was This past Tuesday. Long version or the short version? Ok ill give u the in between version....

         Soooo i got a text from my ex- bestie (we fell out years ago but we cool now) to have a quick lunch date. It was my first time seeing her in almost 7 years. We met at Starbucks for a while. Caught up on old times, talked about new times. We didn't get too deep into convo as she snuck out from work but it was good catching up. We said out goodbyes. i made the drive to see Master. Picked Him up and went to do his hair. W/we sat outside in the busy intersection that had all kinds of people walking around enjoying the weather. Master sat as i braided his hair and W/we talked a little. i always zone out when i do hair for some reason.... Like i get hypnotized. Then this bald headed white comes up to us and says something like " Hey... You think you can do my hair like that next??", while rubbing the top of his head. i laugh and say "i'll see what i can do. " Its funny, every time i do Master's hair in a public place, there is always a token bald dude that wants braids lol. It never fails. Anyway, i finish 3/4 of Master's hair. We decide to move to avoid getting a parking ticket. W/we this ubercool music store, Sound Garden. It has any and everything a music lover could want. W/we look around a bit, left and went to a park to finish Master's hair. We sat in front of a fountain. The weather was so nice but it was windy so every now and then, we would get a blast of water that blew on us from the strong winds. Master said it was like being on a water ride. i finished his hair, sat on his lap, and we just sat n enjoyed the sites. W/we left there and went to another park. There we sat and just enjoyed each others company (again) Master gave me a massage while i sat on the bench, W/we cracked jokes, i read his ninja books, we watched the bad ass kids play in the playground, we talked some more, He let me sit on his lap and whisper things in his ear :) He tried to grope me and people walked by but tried to play it off ( haha) we sat and sat until the sun started to set. We overlooked the city skyline and at that point it was like nothing else in the world mattered at that moment except us and out Oneness. It started getting cold. W/we went to our favorite sushi bar (even though neither of us sushi), ordered or favs, He told me i looked pretty under the ambiance of the red lighting (I blushed) we ate (I don't remember chewing.. i was that hungry) had some sake with this terrible beer. W/we sent it back and got our usual: Tsunami Punch, a fish bowl filled with all our liquor favs. i was nice though... Not drunk. We left n went to The mansions. We shared feelings, good and bad. Pleasure and pain. The pain led to pleasure. Pleasure lead to cosmic explosions.... *sigh* His touch, His voice, His caress.. The way he held me and whispered in my ears.. He made me soooo wet that even i was surprised. They way he stroked my pussy was amazing. Penetration was sheer delight. W/we were these two forces that had suddenly collided into the great energy that just continued to grow and grow. How many times we exploded?? i lost count. We did it until out bodies screamed no but our minds begged yes. He made love to my mind, body, and soul. i felt his energy and power overcome and consume me and i accepted in. It felt so good. i wish everyone could feel that feeling. The moment where sex is more than just fucking. When emotions are involve partners first seduce the minds of each other; the end result being what Master was so gracious in showing me.

        i hated to leave Him, but we all know all good things must come to an end. i hope for the day when  good times will never end....

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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