
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lower than low..

         i hate the way i have been feeling lately. i hate life as it is. Just one negative after negative. He is mad because i won't communicate. i don't know how. i'm just numb at this point. Just like looking at a face and not being able to tell a person's emotion. Like a blank piece of paper. i hate going to see Him sometimes. Only because we have such am awesome time together, its like an escape from reality. And when I leave him, its back to the real world. And i don't ever want to come back to reality. i have a lot to say but I don't know how to. i also feel that everyone has problems so what makes me so special? i don't want to seem like i'm whining. i don't know.. i just feel like my problems are a waste of time to tell.. Someone always has it worse somewhere in the world. *sigh*

... i'm in drone mode again.... Like a robot. Work, eat, sleep.. Work eat sleep.. Going through the motions. Work seven days a week.... Keep my mind of emotions i can stand to face. Always stay busy so i won't have time to think. Watch TV till i fall asleep so i won't think about the bad stuff.. If that don't work, have a few drinks or take a pill.. Yea.. That's make me fall asleep faster but its so hard to wake up in the morning...

Oh.. My clothes are done drying...

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