
Friday, December 3, 2010

By George, i think i've got it!!


         Hello friends. i've been busy, busy, busy with work and all. Life is blah.. well, i guess it could be worse though. On the bright side, i have decided to start school again. It's been damn near 10 years and i feel like im not doing enough in life. So starting in the spring of this year, i will at least take a class. i really wanna learn and become proficient in ASL. Pay is great and plus i will be certified in another language and thats pretty cool.

         Master and i are doing ok. The past few weeks have been kind of up and down mostly due to me. Iono... i have this rebellion thing going on and im not really sure why. i think its because i miss him so much. i miss O/our power exchanges and frequent adventures. i will admit that sometimes i do crave punishments, which Master happens to be extremely good at (bittersweet). i actually saw Him last night after i got off of work. my attitude wasn't right and i was determined to make some kind of point and somewhat set Him straight. lol!  What a fail. Who do i think i am right? He let me pick out my punishment tool, then He gave me the biggest embrace, then commenced with bringing the pain. Then He hugged me again afterwards. And we talked, touched, played, He pulled and twisted my nipples so hard that i came and bit my neck so hard it left a bruise but it feels so good..  He had me feeling good...i had Him feeling good. He kissed the back of my neck and i had no idea how stimulated my body got when He did that. I literally felt shock waves surge through my body. It was almost too much to handle. He pulled me into the bathroom, kissed the back of my neck while pinching my nipples so hard but it felt so fucking good. With me facing the wall he pulled me closer, grabbed my neck and fucked me so good while he choked me. my pussy was so wet as He slid His dick in and out of me, i bent over even more so that he could penetrate me even deeper. *sigh* :)  i am all smiles... It was sad to leave Him though, that's the worst part of seeing Him. Oh!!!! Did i mention that He gave me gifts? He bought the 100 position Sex Bible >:D annnnd He got me a card but i asked Him if he could keep it and write something special in it:)

            Wow i kinda got way off subject but the whole reason i wrote was because i finally came up with a concept for my tattoo, in which i wanted to incorporate my BDSM lifestyle. Of course i have to run it through Master first to see if He approves, but i am confident that He will. Oh look... there He is texting me now ....

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