
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It gets better...

         i went to see Him today. It was a short visit. W/we watched pimpin movies. i gave Him his pre -Christmas gifts. i was still feeling down. i didn't want to but the way i been feeling for the past few weeks combined with the fact that he was holding me close, and touching me and all that became overwhelming for a bit. i was just frustrated with our minor disagreements that always turn into huge arguments. i was mad at myself because i often feel like i have failed or that i am failing in life. i admit that i am also pushing my frustration out on others at times. These feelings are just really hard to deal with. Working everyday with no days off is not helping either cuz both of my jobs become very stressful at times, more often than not. But anyway i'm glad i saw Him. i'm not 100% better but I do feel like He absorbed some of my negative energy and gave me some of his strength, at least enough so i can get through a 24 hour period with out crying.

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