
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse during Winter Solstice 12-21-10

This picture was taken while the moon was full before the actual eclipse started. The moon was too dark for me to snap a pic of it from my phone so i took this right before. It was beautiful. The way the bugs are attracted to the fluorescent lights that zap and kill them, thats how i reacted tot the moon. I just could not stop looking, especially when it started turning this beautiful amber-reddish color. I also felt very energized and  felt some kind of aura, similar to when Master and i  experience power exchange. He felt the same wat too. W/we were texting each other back and forth...Too bad the next one will be in 2094 when im dead and gone. But at least i lived to see this :)

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, you help me to understand me.
